
Showing posts from September, 2022

How to Properly Shoot a Compound Bow?

This amazing archery weapon is a type of bow that uses a pulley system of cams to draw the string back. The modern "compound" bow is actually an updated version of the traditional longbow, a long, straight and flexible elastic stick traditionally made from yew or elm.   These bows are now made from carbon fiber and are much more powerful than the old bows. A compound one is adjustable and can be used by ANYONE, including women. Let's look at the history of this bow... An Overview of History: A longbow (compound) is a wooden weapon that is used in archery tournaments and in traditional archery practice. They are used for hunting animals such as deer, foxes and other wild animals. In recent years, these bows have become popular for target practice because of their accuracy, power and ease of use. "The first bows, made by Chinese craftsmen in the 11th century, could propel an arrow up to 500 yards (457 meters) in a minute. By the 17th century more powerful bows